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  • Writer's pictureZebba Idina

The Five Letter API

Whether you're sending marketing letters or just automating printing, you can use the Letter API to do it all. The API is designed to automate the process of printing, sorting, enveloping, and folding letters. And because it's completely automated, your company can save time, money, and energy.

The API is easy to consume and offers a reliable, secure way to send letters. The response bodies are formatted as JSON. It's also organised around a simple URL structure. The response bodies include standard HTTP status codes.

The API token will authenticate all API requests. To generate your token, visit the DocuPost token generator.

The API supports both PDF and PageXML formats. It also provides access to the document metadata. Depending on the specifications, you can insert custom fields into the metadata.

The API token must be used only by trusted applications. If you share it with untrusted applications, you could be accused of fraud. And if you use it for color printing, you'll have to pay extra for the service.

The API is CASS certified and offers the highest level of data privacy. It also offers a two-day SLA. You can change the permission level to ensure you're only using the letters you need.

You can also choose your own letter format. The API has detailed reports that can help you determine which format is best for your letters.

The API also supports a number of different languages. It supports Unicode, Alto, and PageXML formats. The API will also provide you with tools for document layout analysis.



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